The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods

The Lost BookshopThere once was a magical bookshop in Dublin that became a haven for a woman named Opaline in 1920. Now, Martha and Henry stumble upon Opaline’s story and begin looking for the bookshop in Dublin in hopes of finding out more about her life. Will they discover its secrets and its magic before it is too late?

Mysterious, fantastical, romantic and full of surprises, this is one of those books you just want to read and savor! It is an ode to the power of books and the written word to change live and perceptions of ourselves. As one character says ‘The thing about books, is that they help you to imagine a life bigger and better than you could ever dream of,’ and for each of the characters in this book book it proves true.

Woods is a magician with words, characters and plot. She keeps putting out plot tendrils, that weave and grow into something satisfying and whole. The three characters are well developed and engaging. But I think what I love most was the way Woods uses words and descriptions that are evocative and full of wonder. This is a must read for all book lovers!

Brenda”s Rating: ***** (5 Out of 5 Stars)

Recommend this book to: Marian, Lauren, Sharon and Keith

Book Study Worthy? Yes!

Read in ebook format.

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1 Response to The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods

  1. jackie rust says:

    Ordered and excited. Thanks Brenda.


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